Help, I have a Serious Disability!:
A Photo Essay
Some people can't discern colors. Some people have no legs. Some people are retarded. I can't tell if a man is attractive or not. It's a serious problem.
To wit, Daniel Craig, the world's newest James Bond, is, I am told by respected authorities who are in a position to know these things, not attractive.


What does this mean? What do women look for in men? Am I more attractive than Daniel Craig? I am the kingshit of all men? Am I a goddamn Adonis? I didn't used to think so. But now, I'm thinking, maybe! Yeah! Maybe I am good looking! You be the judge:

Also, the guy who played Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice?

So, to reiterate:

So, I guess I don't really have a disability so much as a smokin bod and the kind of face that launches ships. If the Greeks were gay. Which they totally were.
A Photo Essay
Some people can't discern colors. Some people have no legs. Some people are retarded. I can't tell if a man is attractive or not. It's a serious problem.
To wit, Daniel Craig, the world's newest James Bond, is, I am told by respected authorities who are in a position to know these things, not attractive.


What does this mean? What do women look for in men? Am I more attractive than Daniel Craig? I am the kingshit of all men? Am I a goddamn Adonis? I didn't used to think so. But now, I'm thinking, maybe! Yeah! Maybe I am good looking! You be the judge:

Also, the guy who played Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice?

So, to reiterate:
So, I guess I don't really have a disability so much as a smokin bod and the kind of face that launches ships. If the Greeks were gay. Which they totally were.